Kahlua 700ml
Ex Vat €14.50
In Vat €17.84
Dublin Stock (111) Navan Stock (103)
- Model: 02203884
- UPC: 10114482
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Kahlua is a rich, dark brown coffee liqueur made from the finest Mexican coffee, with fine cane spirits and a hint of vanilla. It also contains sugar, corn syrup and vodka, and has a thicker body than most other alcoholic beverages. Kahlua Original is the hero ingredient in many cult cocktails and drinks such as Espresso Martini. With its enticing caramel colour, Kahlua coffee liqueur boasts the deep, rich flavour of real black coffee, roasted chestnut and indulgent sweet butter.
Product Features
- Weight - 700ml
- ABV - 16%
- Made with Real Coffee Beans 100%
- Origin - Mexico
- An essential ingredient with Espresso Martinis